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UNESCO Chair-holder: Freedom of Expression

Papua New Guinea, 2003-06

Evangelia Papoutsaki: former Unesco Chair for Freedome of Expression PNG

Media Freedom Day 2006 - DWU/PNG


UNESCO Chair project working group member representing SICRI: Gender, Migration and Post-disaster communities in the Asia-Pacific Island Countries. (Proposal Endorsed by the Canadian Commission for UNESCO)

Trainer/advisor: UNESCO funded community media training with the Kyrgyz Community Media Association Bishkek 2019.


UNESCO Model Curricula Reviewer for Journalism Education for Developing Countries and Emerging Democracies project, 2007


Invited Guest speaker, United Nations University, International Leadership Institute, Jordan, 2008 (see under training/guest speaker)

Papoutsaki, E. 2008. The Need for Local Research Approaches: De-Westernising Research Methodologies for Higher Education Curricula in Developing Countries. In Vessuri & Teichler, Universities as Centres for Research: An Endangered Species? UNESCO/Sense: Rotterdam.

Syndicate Team Programme Participant:  Journalism Education in a Socio-Cultural, Politically Diverse World Team, ‘1st World Journalism Education Congress’ (WJEC- UNESCO), Singapore, 26-28 June 2007

Papoutsaki, E. 2006. De-Westernizing Research Methodologies Alternative Approaches to Research for Higher Education Curricula in Developing Countries. Global Colloquium of the UNESO Forum on Higher Education, Research & Knowledge, Paris, France 29 Nov – 1 Dec

Papoutsaki, E. 2006. C11 Policy Brief: Alternative Research Methodologies, UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge.

UN WSIS World Summit on the Information Society Participant:  invited by the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme to participate at the round-table on the ‘Role of UNESCO in the Construction of Knowledge Societies’, Tunis, 18 November 2005


UNESCO Regional Seminar Observer: ‘Implications of WTO/GATS on the Higher Education in Asia and the Pacific’, Seoul, 27-29 April 2005


UNESCO Higher Education & Research, 1st Regional Seminar, invited participant: United Nations University, Tokyo, May 12-14, 2004

Papoutsaki, E. 2004. UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme, Progress Report - Period of activity: 2003 – 2004 UNESCO Chair in Freedom and Expression.

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