Once were Greeks … the Hellenes of Auckland and New Zealand
Χανιώτισσες στη Νέα Ζηλανδία – Μεταναστεύοντας στην… άκρη του κόσμου
I have published a number of articles and book reviews in newspapers, magazines, journals and other publications around the world, including specialized research articles, travel articles, political analysis etc. Some examples are listed here:
Curator, Island Conversations Podcast Series
Curator, Island Notes Series
Editor/Contributor, Serendipitous Encounters, a collective digital storytelling space
Editor, Horizon Magazine, Amami islands online magazine (see here for a co-authored story on Akina's harvest festivals)
Island Vignettes/Travelogues: Arran Island, Shetland, Crete, Jamaica, Okinawa, Amami Islands Gulf News 2022-2023
Facilitator of the Communication for Social Change social media initiative
"The Burj Khalifa seen from Dubai Mall", Black and White photo printed by The Guardian, Wed 23 January 2019
A Photo Essay, 2019. Castello a Mare-The Venetian Sea Fortress of Heraklion.
ISISA Newsletter, Volume 21, Number 2, January 2019
Doan-Bao, C., Papoutsaki, E., Dodson, G. 2017. Evaluating the impact of social change catalyst in urban community development: a case study ofLIN Center for Community Development in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. Practice Insights, Issue 7, pp 18-19
Papoutsaki, E. 9-Apr-2010. 6775 REGION: Media topic precursor to 'Oceanic Transformations' conference, Pacific Media Centre - Pacific Media Watch online news
Papoutsaki, E. 12-Apr-2010. 6787 REGION: Fiji, Tonga featured in Pacific 'democratisation' forum, Pacific Media Centre - Pacific Media Watch online news http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/WO1004/S00177.htm
Papoutsaki, E. and Matbob, P. 2008. Media Cover of West Papuan Refugees in Papua New Guinea: ‘My Brother, My Enemy’. Feature article published in Just Change, Issue 12, July: 10-11
Migrant Media Forum

Part I and II of a feature made by students of Communication Arts Department at Divine Word University, Madang, Papua New Guinea 2006.
"This film, with part one, is the greatest documentary on PNG I have ever seen, and I have seen dozens. The others were slick professional competent and totally destructive. They all focused on PNGs problems,violence witchcraft corruption exploitation etc etc, until you think, how is life possible in such a country...and most insidious of all,,how degraded the people must be. Maybe those film makers meant well, but they offered no solutions, no possibility of hope. But this film, both parts, is redemptive liberating, it is like watching Pather Panchali or Tokyo Story or Kurosawa's Prince Myshkin. I do not know who is more marvelous...the students or the Greek goddess...nice to know she swears in class. Maybe women will save the earth,This is a great feminist film,,it ought to be shown at festivals, it ought to be seen more widely. This film isn't dated . It can be shown 20 years from now,It ought at least to be shown to all those interested in VSO. There is a mystery about this film, like the Eleusian Mysteries,,a strange fecundity of human feeling, maybe this white mary really is Demeter...strange that she should work at a university called Divine Word, but then Hildegard of Bingen said we are all feathers on the breath of God, Shiva Naipaul wrote about the forgotten countries of the earth, sadly PNG is one of those, but it ought not to be,I have a feeling the students in this film will one day make a great feature film about PNG, maybe touching briefly on white outsiders like Malinowski or Mead or Errol Flynn so as to appeal to a wider audience. If I can help let me know Maybe no one will ever read this, but I would love to know how these students are doing, and whether Dr Papoutsaki, the white mary, the Greek goddess the feather on the breath of God...ever returned to PNG" - Prof. Michael Boylan
A spotlight on my Japanese islands research in the local Amami Oshima press by Prof. Kuwahara, who has been my wonderful cultural anthropologist guide and co-researcher on these islands in the south of the Japanese archipelago. I have been visiting these islands since 2017 as part of a long ethnographic research that seeks to map their communicative ecology. During this time and after multiple visits, I developed rich friendships that have made my connection to these islands deeply personal. Ethnography in small island communities requires commitment, but the rewards are many, scholarly and personally wise.