Papoutsaki, E. & Kuwahara, S. (forthcoming). An exploration into island eco-gender identity:
A digital ethnographic study from the Amami Islands.
Papoutsaki, E. & Kuwahara, S. (under review). “Shodansho” - a place for laughter and chatting: a women led community response to aging and depopulated small island communities in Japan. South Pacific Studies Journal.
Papoutsaki, E. & Kuwahara, S. (2024). Mapping Island Information Ecosystems: exploring the role of the ‘Bōsai Musen’ emergency and disaster broadcasting system in the everyday life of Amami islands. South Pacific Studies Journal, vol 44, No1,2.
Papoutsaki, E. & Kuwahara, S. 2021. Akina: An Ecocultural Portrait of an Island Community Through the Photographic Lens of Futoshi Hamada. OJIS: Okinawan Journal of Island Studies, Volume 2 (March 2021).
Konishi, J. & Papoutsaki, E. 2020. From local media to vending machines: innovative ways of sustaining Okinawa's shimakutuba and island culture. SHIMA Journal. DOI:10.21463/shima.14.1.0
Hoffmann-Nunes, L. & Papoutsaki, E. 2019. Mapping the Communicative Ecology of
Latin American Migrant Women in New Zealand. Pacific Journalism Review, vol 25, no 1.
Papoutsaki, E. & Kuwahara, S. 2018. Mapping small islands communicative ecologies: a case study from Amami Islands. South Pacific Studies Journal, vol 31, vol 1.
Eggins, J., Papoutsaki, E., Thomas. V. 2018. Engaging youth in community action research: A visual methods approach to HIV and AIDS awareness. Whanake: The Pacific Journal of Community Development, Vol 5: 2.
Bao, C., Papoutsaki, E., Dodson, G. 2018. Catalysing social change in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Evaluating the LIN model of participatory community development. Community Development Journal, https://doi.org/10.1093/cdj/bsx058
Baisembayeva, D., Kolesova, E., Papoutsaki, E. 2017. The Zhanoazen crisis and Oralmans’ place in the (re)construction of the Kazakh national identity. New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, Volume 19, No. 2.
Papoutsaki, E., Horst, H., Thomas, V., Tacchi, J., Noske-Turner, J., Eggins, J. 2017. A review of the Pacific Media Landscape: A Baseline Study. Asia Pacific Media Educator Journal, 26(2), 270-287.
Sundar Harris, U., Papoutsaki, E., Kailahi, S. 2016. ICTs in climate change communication in the Pacific Islands. Information Technologies & International Development [special issue], 12(4), 47-58.
Thomas, V., Papoutsaki, E., Gouda, H. 2016. Integrating ICTs in Communication Campaigns for Noncommunicable Diseases in the Pacific. Information Technologies & International Development [special issue], 12(4), 35-45.
Dodson, G. & Papoutsaki, E. 2016. Generation Zero: Youth Activism and Political Engagement in New Zealand. Communication Research and Practice Journal, DOI: 10.1080/2204151.2016.1228994
Thomas, V., Papoutsaki, E., Eggins, J. 2016. Relational accountability in indigenizing visual research for participatory communication. SAGE Open.
Nur-Muhamad, R., Horst, H., Papoutsaki, E. and Dodson, G. 2015. A Young Diaspora: Facebook and Uyghur Transnational Identity. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power Journal, special 2014 issue on Diasporic and Transnational Youth.
Noske-Turner, Jessica, Tacchi, Jo, Horst, Heather, and Papoutsaki, Evangelia. 2014. Locating disaster communication in changing communicative ecologies across Pacfiic. Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, Vol 2, no 4.
Thomas, V., Eggins, J., and Papoutsaki, E. 2013. Komuniti Tok Piksa: Communities making films for HIV awareness in PMG. Contemporary PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal vol.19 Nov. 124-134.
Dodson, G., Nur-Muhammad, R., and Papoutsaki, E. 2013. The use of online social media in Uyghur diaspora identity construction. Communication Journal of New Zealand, 13/1 : 42-59.
Duffield, L. Papoutsaki, E. Watson, A. 2008. Australian Broadcast Media Coverage of Papua New Guinea: not Nasty, but Not Enough... Australian Journalism Review, Vol. 30(2): 115-128
Donaghey, S. Papoutsaki, E. Strickland, N. 2008. The Industrious Dutchie: Recording the Experiences of First Generation Dutch Immigrants to New Zealand. Oral History in NZ, Journal of the National Oral History Association of NZ, vol. 20
Papoutsaki, E. & Strickland, N. 2008. Pacific Islands Diaspora Media: Conceptual and Methodological Considerations for a Pilot Study. Fijian Studies Journal, 6(1)
Papoutsaki, E. 2007. Decolonising Journalism Curricula: a Research & ‘Development’ Perspective. Media Asia, Vol. 34(2):71-87. An earlier version deposited at AHERO, African Higher Education Research Online.
Ginau, M & Papoutsaki, E. 2007. Image of a Nation: Australian Press Coverage of Papua New Guinea. Australian Journalism Review, Vol. 29(1):127-140.
Papoutsaki, E. 2007. De-Westernizing Research Methodologies Alternative Approaches to Research for Higher Education Curricula in Developing Countries. Contemporary PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal, Vol. 6 (May):1-15. Deposited at AHERO, African Higher Education Research Online
Matbob, P. & Papoutsaki, E. 2006. West Papua ‘Independence’ and the Papua New Guinea Press. Pacific Journalism Review, Vol. 12(2):87-105.
Sharp, S. & Papoutsaki, E. 2006. Island Nations in the South Pacific and their Communication Needs: From a Journalism Education Perspective. Australian Studies in Journalism, No 16: 101-128
Papoutsaki, E. & Rooney, D. 2006. Colonial Legacies, Neo-Colonial Practices and the Hybridisation of Research in Papua New Guinea Higher Education. Higher Education Research & Development, Vol. 25(4): 421-433.