Papoutsaki, E. & Turdubaeva, E. 2019. Exploring remoteness and social capital through community Media in Kyrgyzstan. LiK - Life in Kyrgyzstan Oct 23-24, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
Papoutsaki, E. & Stanfield, J. 2019. A changing face for island festivals: a case study from Waiheke Island. ISIC 15: “Island Festivals and Music Tourism” July 9–13, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica.
Papoutsaki, E. &Kuwahara, S. 2019. Island Radio, Identity and Resilient Island Communities: a case study from Amami Oshima. IAFOR/ACCS: "Reclaiming the Future" May 24-26 Tokyo.
Papoutsaki, E. & Kuwahara, S. 2018. Island information ecosystems: exploring the role of the ‘Bōsai Musen’ emergency and disaster broadcasting system in the everyday life of Amami islands. ISISA conference, Terschelling Island, The Netherlands.
Papoutsaki E. & Kuwahara, S. 2018. Island based media and their contribution to resilient island communities: a case study from Amami Oshima. ISIC conference, Tatihou Island, France.
Papoutsaki, E. & Konishi, J. The Vending Machine Man: innovative ways of sustaining Okinawa’s Shima kutuba and culture. ISIC conference, Tatihou Island, France.
Papoutsaki E. & Kuwahara S. 2017. Mapping the Communicative Ecology of Amami Islands. RETI/Réseau d’Excellence des Territoires Insulaires Conference, Future Perspectives for Island Society: Sustainability and Self-Management. Okinawa, Japan, Nov 17-21.
Nhien Le, A., Papoutsaki, E., Williams, M. 2017. Documenting Social Change in Ho Chi Minh City Through the Eyes of Young Citizens. MediAsia2017, The Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film. Kobe, Japan, 27-29 Oct.
Tuwe, M. & Papoutsaki, E. 2017. "Kora – The Third Culture Project". MediAsia2017, The Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film. Kobe, Japan, 27-29 Oct.
Ly Thi-Cam Nguyen, Evangelia Papoutsaki and Giles Dodson. 2017. Online Media and the Emergence of Young Vietnamese Citizens As Environmental Activists. MediAsia2017, The Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film. Kobe, Japan, 27-29 Oct.
Doan, C., Papoutsaki, E., Dodson, G. 2017. Evaluating social change in Vietnam: contextualizing the catalyst model. A case study of LIN Center for Community Development in Ho Chi Minh City. IAMCR conference, Cartagena, Colombia, 16-20 July.
Doan, C., Papoutsaki, E., Dodson, G. 2017. Evaluating the impact of Social Change Catalyst on urban community development. A case study of LIN Center for Community Development in Ho chi Mihn City, Vietnam. Community Development Conference, Auckland 15-17 February.
Kailahi, S., Papoutsaki, E., Williams, M. 2016. Tongan women talking about their lives in leadership in New Zealand: a participatory visual methodology approach to talanoa, gender and culture. Australian Association for the Advancement of Pacific Studies conference, Cairns 1-3 April.

I'm a paragHoffmann-Nunes, L., Papoutsaki, E., Donaghey, S. 2016. Mapping the communicative ecology of Latin American Migrant Women in New Zealand. IAMCR conference, Leicester 27-31 July.
Dodson, G., & Papoutsaki, E. 2015. Generation Zero: online activism and political engagement in New Zealand. ANZCA Conference Queenstown, Queenstown 8-10 July.
Papoutsaki, E. & Kolesova, E. 2015. Migrants and their media in New Zealand: issues of diversity, inclusiveness and representation. Community Development Conference, Auckland 18-20 February.
Thomas, V., Gouda, H., Papoutsaki, E. 2015. “Communicating the non-communicable: developing media & communication strategies to tackle the growing NCD epidemic in the Pacific”. Health Communication and Change & Communication and HIV/AIDS Working Groups. IAMCR Montreal, 12-17 July.
Nur-Muhammad, R., Dodson, G., Papoutsaki, E., and Horst, H. 2014. Politics and religion online: Uyghur diaspora identity construction on Facebook. International Communication Association Regional Conference, ‘Digital Transformations, Social Media Engagement and the Asian Century’. Brisbane, 1-3 October.
Saifoloi, M., Stowers-Ama, J., Papoutsaki, E., Williams, M., Davis, C., Kailahi, S., and Naqvi, M. 2014. Participatory Video and the Pacifica Mamas: exploring visual dialogue as an enabler for social and economic change. OURMedia conference, Diverse Communities - Diverse Media, July 21-14. University of Goroka, Papua New Guinea.
Nur-Muhammad, R., Dodson, G., Papoutsaki, E., and Horst, H. 2014. The Art of Symbolic Resistance on Facebook. Pacific Journalism Review 20th Anniversary conference 'Political Journalism in the Asia Pacicic Region', Auckland, AUT, Nov. 29.raph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
Nur-Muhammad, R., Dodson, G., Papoutsaki, E., and Horst, H. 2013. Identity, Responsibility, then Politics: The Uyghur Diaspora, Facebook and the Construction of Identity Online. Media Asia/IAFOR 4th annual conference on Media and Mass Communication, Osaka, Japan.
Beisembayeva, D., Papoutsaki, E., and Kolesova, E. 2013. Social Media and Online Activism in Kazakhstan: A New Challenge for Authoritarianism? Media Asia/IAFOR 4th Annual Conference on Media and Mass Communication, Osaka, Japan.
Nur-Muhammad, R., Dodson, G., Papoutsaki, E., and Horst , H. 2013. Uyghur Facebook Use and Diasporic Identity Construction. IAMCR 2013 Conference, Crisis, Creative Distruction and the Global Power and Communication Orders. Dublin, Ireland, 25-29 June.
Beisembayeva, D., Papoutsaki, E., Kolesova , E., and Kulikova, S. 2013. Social media, online activism and government control in Kazakhstan. IAMCR conference, Crisis, Creative Destruction and the Global Power and Communication Orders, Dublin, Ireland, 25-29 June.
Tacchi, J., Horst, H., Papoutsaki, E., Thomas, V., Eggins, J., and Noske-Turner, J. 2013. The Living Baseline. ‘Beyond the Impasse: Exploring New Thinking in Communication and Social Change’, Boutique Conference, 29-31 January, Brisbane Australia. Centre for Communication and Social Change, UQ.
Solomona, M., Papoutsaki, E., Davis, C., Williams, M., Kailahi, S., and Stowers-Ama, Jarcinda. 2013. Participatory Video: an interdisciplinary pilot study with the Pacifica Mamas. Unitec Resarch Symposium, October, Auckland.
Naqvi, M. & Papoutsaki, E. 2012. Information Issues in Development: Ethical Implications of Community Profiling by Developmental NGOs. 21st AMIC Annual Conference, Forty Years of Media and Communication in Asia: Retrospect, Introspect and Prospects, Malaysia, 11-14 July.
Matbob, P. & Papoutsaki, E. 2012. A Divided Island: Papua New Guinea’s relationship with West Papua. 8th International Small Islands Conference, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 6-9 June.
Papoutsaki, E. & Tsoulis, A. 2011. A micro-study of Greek Female Immigrants to NZ and Australia in the 60s. Biennial Conference of the Oral History Association of Australia Communities of Memory, Melbourne, 30 Sept–2 Oct.
Papoutsaki, E. Tsoulis, A. 2011. Post presentation on Greek Female Immigrants to NZ Oral History Project. NOHANZ biannual conference, Rotorua, 1-3 April.
Thomas, V., Papoutsaki, E., Eggins, E. 2011. Komuniti Tok Piksa: indigenizing visual research for participatory communication. IAMCR Annual Conference, Istanbul July 13-17, Participatory Communication Research Stream.
Thomas, V., Papoutsaki, E., Eggins, E. 2011. Engaging the youth in community action: a visual methods approach to HIV & AIDS awareness. 20th AMIC Annual conference, Hyderabad, 24-27 June.
Thomas, V., Siwi, L., Barry, K., Eggins, J., Papoutsaki, E, Iedema, R.2011. Facilitating production of visual messages on HIV and AIDS with local communities: the dilemmas of collaboration, consent and ownership. 20th AMIC Annual conference, Hyderabad, 24-27 June.
Marat, D., Papoutsaki, E., Latu, S., Aumua, L., and Talakai, M. 2010. Akoaga - Retention & achievement in the New Zealand tertiary sector: Perspectives of students & parents from Pasifika communities on efficacy, agency & success. 34th Annual Pacific Islands Studies Conference University of Hawaii. Hawaii.
Thomas, V., Papoutsaki, E., Eggins, J. 2010. Visual Dialogues, Community Action & Social Change: a South Pacific Islands HIV/AIDS project application. AMIC 19th Annual Conference Technology and Culture: Communication Connectors and Dividers, 21-23 June 2010.
Thomas, V., Mel, M., Papoutsaki, E. 2010. Exploring local methodologies through creative collaborations with Pacific communities. AAAPS 3rd annual conference, ‘Oceanic Transformations’, Victoria University, Melbourne, 8-11 April
Papoutsaki, E. & Strickland, N. 2009. Diasporic Islands: Communicating Pacific Cultural Identities in Diaspora. 5th International Conference on Small Island Cultures (SICRI), Sado Island, Japan, June 24-30
Papoutsaki, E. & Strickland, N. 2008. Pacific Islands Diaspora Media: Conceptual and Methodological Considerations for a Pilot Study. New Zealand Communication Association, 20th Annual Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand, 4-5 Dec
Duffield, L. Papoutsaki, E. Watson, A. 2008. Image of a Nation: Australian Broadcast Media Coverage of Papua New Guinea. Journalism Educators Association annual conference, Wollongong University, Australia, 1-3 Dec.
Marat, D. et al. 2008. Revision as a Learning Strategy Underpinning Success: Efficacy and Agency of UNITEC student. CTLI Symposium, UNITEC, 30 Sept.
Donaghey, S., Papoutsaki, E. & Strickland, N. 2008. The Industrious Dutchie: Recording the Experiences of First Generation Dutch Immigrants to New Zealand. 15th International Oral History Association Conference, ‘Oral History: A Dialogue with our Times’, Guadalajara, Mexico, 23-26 Sept
Papoutsaki, E. & Strickland, N. 2008. Pacific Islands Diaspora Media: Sustaining Island Identities Away from Home. 17th AMIC Annual Conference, ‘Changing Media, Changing Societies: Media and the Millennium Development Goals’, Manila, Philippines, 14 – 17 July
Papoutsaki, E. 2008. Communicating the needs of Pacific Islands: the role of media and journalism education. 2nd Conference of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Pacific Studies, ‘Oceanic Connections’, ANU, Canberra, Australia, 16-18 April
Papoutsaki, E. 2007. De-colonizing Journalism Curricula: A Research and Development Perspective. 16th AMIC annual conference, ‘Media Education and Development: The Quest for New Paradigms’, Singapore, 25-27June
Papoutsaki, E. 2007. Speaking the Grassroots Language: Pidgin Language Press in the South Pacific. IAMCR 50th Anniversary conference, Community Communication Section, UNESCO, Paris, July
Papoutsaki, E. 2006. De-Westernizing Research Methodologies Alternative Approaches to Research for Higher Education Curricula in Developing Countries. Global Colloquium of the UNESO Forum on Higher Education, Research & Knowledge, Paris, France 29 Nov – 1 Dec http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0015/001530/153079e.pdf
Matbob, P. & Papoutsaki E. 2006. West Papua in the Papua New Guinean Press: ‘My Brother, my Enemy’. 15th AMIC annual conference, ‘Media in Asia: Aspirations, Choices and Realities’, Penang, Malaysia, 17-20 July
Ginau, M. & Papoutsaki, E. 2005. Australian Press Coverage of Papua New Guinea. Journalism Educators Association Conference Griffith University Australia, 29 Nov -2 Dec.
Vilakiva, G. & Papoutsaki, E. 2005. Media and Grassroots Communication: The Wantok Newspaper case study. Journalism Educators Association Conference, Griffith University Australia, 29 Nov- 2 Dec.
Papoutsaki, E. & Sharp, S. 2005. Island Nations in the South Pacific and their Communication Needs: from a Journalism Education Perspective. 14th AMIC annual conference, ‘Media and Society in Asia: Transformations and Transitions’, Beijing, 18-21 July
McManus, M. & Papoutsaki, E. 2004. Addressing the Communication Needs of a Developing Nation: A Journalism Education Case Study from Divine Word University. JEA conference, ‘Media Literacy in Asia Pacific’, USP Suva, Fiji, 5-9 Dec.
Papoutsaki, E. & Rooney, D. 2004. Who is research for? An observation from Papua New Guinea. UNESCO Colloquium on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge, Paris, 1-3 Dec
Rooney, D. Papoutsaki, E. & Pamba, K. 2004. A Country Failed by its Media: a Case Study from Papua New Guinea. 13th AMIC Annual Conference, ‘Impact of New & Old Media on Development in Asia’, Bangkok, 1-3 July.
Papoutsaki, E. 2003. Different Approaches to Journalism Education – What Model? ‘1st Caucasus Round-Table on Journalism Education in Transition’, Tbilisi, Georgia, 21-22 March
Papoutsaki, E. 2002. Journalism Education in Transition: A Mongolian case study. CEP Central Asia - USEIS conference, ‘Ten Years of Reforms in Higher Education: Analysis, Problems and Perspectives’, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 6-7 April
Papoutsaki, E. 1999. French Media Cultural Policy and European Integration: from National to European? North American European Community Studies Association International Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, 2-5 June. Available at: http://aei.pitt.edu/2360/
Papoutsaki, E. 1998. Globalisation, Nation-state and Culture. ‘Crossroads in Cultural Studies’ International Conference, Tampere, Finland, 27 June - 2 July
Papoutsaki, E. 1994. Cultural Policy in an Increasingly Transnationalized World. European Doctoral Summer School Conference, ‘Contemporary Issues in Communication Research’, Grenoble, France, 1-10 Sept