Nov 12, 2023
Connecting islands through history, war and migration: an oral history and digital storytelling project
New Zealand's last surviving veteran of the Second World War's Battle of Crete died last year aged 104. Brant Robinson was one of the...

Jun 20, 2023
Hiroshima: a visceral encounter
It was a hot day in Hiroshima but there were three places I wanted to visit before I took the ferry to Miyajima: a restored samurai’s...

May 10, 2023
Co-witnessing and presencing as preconditions to meaningful solidarity (an early draft)
If you see with your mind wide open, that seeing holds the seeds for sensing. If you sense with your mind and heart wide open, that...

Apr 30, 2023
Luminous Darkness: Book Review*
According to the Maori tradition, there are three baskets of knowledge: te kete tuauri (sacred knowledge/light), te kete tuatea...

Apr 18, 2023
Okinawa: island of resistance, resilience and pacifism
Ichariba chode/イチャリバチョーー (“once we meet, we become family”) After several weeks of an idyllic existence, cocooned from the rest of the...

Feb 14, 2023
Amami: the islands of my heart
Amami’s embrace Nature’s splendour all around Peace in island vibes Attempt at haiku compositio - E.P. My first encounter with the Amami...

Sep 13, 2022
Tūrangawaewae: On Belonging And inclusiveness
Karanga Whakawatea Haere raa, ee te Rangatira Haare raa, I runga I tou haeranga Haera raa, I runga it te Rangimarie me te aroha Maa ngaa...

Aug 11, 2022
Shetland sojourn
June was the season for island studies conferences this year and after two and a half years behind closed borders in Aotearoa, courtesy...